#1: The tight bubble of total focus
What this means basically is that people who Excel in their field stay away from distraction. The work in the tight bubble of total focus where nobody can interrupt them. to execute this all in to do is ensure that you have a scheduled routine away from all interruptions and distractions to completely focus on your work.
#2: The 90/90/1 rule
This rule states that for the next 90 days, use the first 90 minutes of your work, working out to focus on one thing that could be the game changer in your line of work. By doing this, you’ve ensured that the first 90 minutes of your day is completely focused on the single most important activity of your career. This alone will give you great results. So try this out.
#3: The 60/10 method
This method states that after every hour of work, take a 10-minute break. Go for a short quick walk, drink some water, do some stretches, and then get back to work. By doing this, you ensure that you are not overstressed. You’re not sitting in one place for long and you refuel yourself for the day ahead.
#4: The daily five concept
This concept says that every day in the morning, write five goals that you want to complete on a particular day. So that this day becomes your absolute best day. By making these five lists every day, you ensure that you are staying on track and moving towards your ideal life.
#5: The second wind workout
We all know the workout is great for us, so why do you just reserve it for the first half of the day? By scheduling a second workout, we can ensure that we are ending our day on an energetic note.
#6: The two massage protocol
This is a little bit extreme. According to the book it advises us to have two massages in a week. This would really, really help us to relax, to gain that energy that we lose throughout the week and get more refueled.
#7: Traffic University
The idea is to not waste the time we spend on commuting. We can accomplish so much more than for utilizing the time productively, and that’s what Robin Sharma has called us traffic university.
#8: The dream team technique
Now we cannot accomplish what we want to accomplish without the help of others. By delegating some of the tasks to our team members, we can ensure that everyone is doing the things that they are good at. So having a dream team is definitely a critical part of any pursuit.
#9: The weekly design system
This tactic states that every weekend, preferably on Sunday, sit down and plan your entire week. How does your week look like? What are the things you want to accomplish this week? What do you want to do each day?
By having this weekly plan, you can be sure that you’re sticking to your goals and then further you can break those goals into daily five goals.
#10: The 60 minutes student
This tactic state that all the lifelong geniuses study, they study for a minimum of 60 minutes each day. It could be a book about your field or the latest update in your field. It could be maybe having a talk with your mentor.
But the idea is to learn because the moment we stop learning is the moment we stop growing.
“Limitation is nothing more than a mentality that too many good people practice daily until they believe it’s reality. It breaks my heart to see so many potentially powerful human beings stuck in a story about why they can’t be extraordinary, professionally and personally. You need to remember that your excuses are seducers, your fears are liars and your doubts are thieves.”